Why use salesforce CRM?
What is CRM?
CRM stands for customer relationship management. This means that all the processes which is involved in customer service or to acquire the clients are tracked and automated so that that the margin of error is minimized. Using CRM the customers can be served well and they can be acquired in a hassle free manner. There are many companies which offer CRM tool but the most preferred brand across the globe is salesforce CRM which is developed by salesforce.com on the force.com. Most of the people in the field of sales and business development prefer salesforce CRM tool.
Why use salesforce for CRM?
As mentioned earlier the salesforce CRM is built on the force.com platform and using salesforce CRM it can manage all the sales related activities in an organisation, the data is fetched from the all the sources of communication and they are managed. Salesforce is cloud based CRM tool where the user can use it from anywhere using an app. To use salesforce there is no need to install any special infrastructure nor any software, as this is the cloud based tool which is very easy to use. Salesforce CRM tool can be use by everyone and it can suit all the enterprise, but the cost which is of the tool which is used can vary.
There are some standard objects which are used common for all the forms of cloud. They are as follows,
- Account- The account which is used for transaction of an organisation is covered in the account section.
- Activity- All the activities of a company which is on the calendar.
- Product- The product which is sold by the organisation in the market.
- Lead- All the potential people who show interest in the company’s product.
- Case- All the complaints regarding to the product which is unsolved can be called as a case.
- Solution- Case records the entire unsolved problem while solution records all the solution which is given to the particular case.
- Opportunity- The potential event where a company has the chances to earn revenue.
- Dashboard- It is called as the home of the tool giving us many statistics.
- Campaign- The ongoing campaign and projects of the company is can be covered under campaign.
- Reports- All the result of the campaign comes under report it is the statistics which is related to all the campaigns.
As said earlier these are the standard object which remain common in all the form of salesforce cloud, these standard features are maintain a relationship between them and are coordinated so that the result is achieved.
Salesforce training in Chennai
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