Career in Architecture and List of Architecture Colleges in Chennai

Career in Architecture and List of Architecture Colleges in Chennai

Architecture is a meridian of art and science. When you obtain a degree in architecture you learn the unique blend of culture, science and design. It is the creations of spaces both aesthetically and functionally. Architectural courses are highly competitive and that would take five years to complete where students are trained to have creative skills and artistic, same time are learned about the constructional science, technology and methodology. This architectural course involves a lot of internship and training. Architecture has equal elements of arts and science , so it mostly cover up all the aspects of both like social, technical, aesthetics and ethical values. The study of architecture is a 5 years investment and so it is important to know from where you can obtain a degree in architecture.

By profession, an architect has to undertake studies on how to plan and design the structure. Student must naturally inclined to go a long way in this field and there are various courses at all the level are offered in architecture, from diploma to master’s programme. Since most of the architecture colleges in Chennai offer eligibility of 10+2 with mathematics for undergraduate courses, yet student from all educational background can apply for courses in architecture. There are some B.Arch colleges in Chennai offers entrance test as the method of selection of candidates in the field.

Job anticipation are good in this field, moreover most of jobs are available in government aided organization like Ministry of defense, Public Work Department, Town and Country Planning Organization, Archaeological Department, Railway department and National  Institute of Urban Affairs. On other hand an architectural professional can work in an independent manner by operating their own architectural firms.

Here is the list of top 10 Architecture colleges in Chennai

  • MARG Institute of Design and Architecture
  • College of Engineering(Anna University) – Guindy (CEG)
  • Chennai Academy of Architecture and Design – CAAD
  • SRM University
  • Sathyabama University
  • MEASI Academy of Architecture
  • School of Architecture and Planning-Anna University (SOAP Anna University)
  • BS Abdur Rahman University
  • Rajalakshmi Engineering College(REC)
  • Meenakshi College of Engineering

Choose from best will make you better architect and nice way of starting your career. An architect has to deliver works in correspondence to client’s demands, he should be capable of maintaining a balance between his own imagination and financial lividness of clients.


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